Quick Hits on How Your Company Can Save on Recruiting Costs


Shrink Your Bottom LineHiring “right” can be an expensive, time intensive process. a recruiter or recruiting firm can run the gradient of talent ‘ally’ to ineffective gatekeeper and from a cost perspective: tremendous value to incredible waste of money. It is crucial to fully qualify and be comfortable with the individuals, team or firms that are performing your recruitment as they are a direct reflection on  your company(good or bad). so carefully consider the option you choose. With this in mind,

Regardless of approach, There are a number of things you can do to improve on the quality of your recruitment process so that you can recruit right the first time and avoid employee turnover which can cost as little as 20% for less senior roles and as much as 200% for Executive positions. As a manager, a personal list of the essential qualities and qualifications you want in  your employee, and don’t compromise on them. Retention is the better half of hiring.

Quick Hits:




Thanks to technology, you can automate much of the application screening process. It’s a win-win situation. Programs can work around the clock pulling together a short list of top candidates with your required skills and experience and have it waiting on your desk when you arrive in the morning. By saving your time, you will also save your energy for more productive tasks. Undoubtedly, this will lead to higher quality work and thus, more success in your endeavors.


Social Media

Where Do Top Performers Hang Out?You don’t need to spend outrageous amounts of money to get your vacancy out to the masses. Social media is a fantastic free resource for finding candidates who are actively looking for work. So, get creative and think about where your top performers hang out! Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are the most popular platforms used by both job seekers and passive candidates. Take the time to connect with passive candidates as well because they may become job seekers tomorrow.


One-Click Apply

We don’t just use our cell phones, tablets and other mobile devices to access the web; we’re attached to them. So, if you want to bring in top talent fast, then make your application mobile-friendly. A one-click feature for candidates to apply with, such as a simple tap of the screen, will bring in more potential employees that you imagined.


Current Employees

Ask current employees for recommendations. Since they already work for you, your employees understand the value of bringing in contributing employees. Moreover, candidates who have been recommended by current staff have the added benefit of boosting overall workforce morale. We all enjoy going to work when we like the people we work with.


Sci.bio RecruitingFind out how Sci.bio Recruiting can help your company take its scientific, clinical and technical hiring to another level. Our scaleable, recruiting services affords our clients maximum flexibility, uncommon value and a high level of scientific and business insight.


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